Saturday, December 3, 2011

Starting again...again...again....

I realized last night why I've been on a "plateau" since July. My husband was doing WW with me and quit in July. It isn't his fault I basically quit, too, but at least I've now realized why I've done what I've done. Today I weighed in since I missed my Tuesday meeting thanks to a cold. It wasn't pretty, but I faced it anyway and am back to tracking faithfully as of today. I have some work to do to get back to my lowest weight since starting this journey, but at least I haven't gained any sizes! Thankful to be starting again with the knowledge of why I got off track to begin with. Short-term goals of mine are to get back to faithfully tracking every day. I started doing this yesterday and tracked almost everything I ate. Today I've tracked everything. I also plan to focus more on activity points and the healthy guidelines that WW provides. I know that these things will help me get back on track. My other short-term goal is to cut Diet Coke, the only soda I drink, out of my diet completely. I have two cans left in my fridge and then that's it. Water will be my priority and I'll use points to drink milk and juice, too, which I don't typically do. I don't want to end the year regretting this month like I've regretted the last few. I want to end the year on a positive note and get back to losing weight. My health depends on it!


Christine said...

yeah! Glad to see you. YOu can do this. I had a mucking around period as well. Feeling better now and am on my way down again. Let's go!

Barb S said...

Good luck with your continued success on Weight Watchers. I joined in September and have lost 18 pounds. The last 3 weeks I have not tracked nor been very faithful so I do know what you are going through! Keep us posted on your progress...let us know if you need help! Are you on etools and have friends? If so I would love to be your friend on there site!

Jennifer said...

I've been on my own plateau, too. We'll bust this! I know we will. It's encouraging to not be the only one starting again...again...again. :) In a way, we start again every day.

LizRox30 said...

You can do this! Can't wait to hear about your progress. And thank you for inspiring me to start weight watchers. I started today. Like hte saying goes, "A year from now, I'll be glad I started today"