I just weighed in this morning at WW and lost two pounds!!! So glad to finally have a weight-loss on the scale. The last few months have been tough on me. To be honest, I wasn't tracking, working out, or really putting much forward at all as far as losing weight goes. I was embarrassed to list my gains on my sidebar on the left side of this blog and left a few months blank until today. Today I decided that I ought not to be ashamed, but to move forward and not look back. I've learned from my mistakes and I'm ready to really move forward and get to my goal weight. This isn't a New Year resolution. This isn't a short-term thing. I need to do this for the rest of my life to be healthy and happy and be the best woman I can be. I can no longer serve this false god of food. Only one GOD is for me and I love and worship Him and I will no longer allow myself to serve food more than I serve Him. I will not try to fill any voids in my life with food. I will no longer try to stuff down feelings with food. If I'm stressed out, I'll work out and pray along the way. Turning to food is a sin and I'm confessing now that I've used it in place of my God. No longer. I've said it before, I'm starting over. No quitting this time and with God's help, I'll reach my goal in 2012. I will be honest along the way, with myself, with Him, and with you, my blog readers, friends, and family. I will blog more to be accountable, so stay tuned! :)
I lost 15 pounds this past summer only to gain 20 back. But I found your blog and you've help to inspire. I also joined weightwatchers this new year. and am happy to say that 5 pounds are gone. keep at it. before you know it, you'll break into the 190's and keep dropping :D You're doing great!
Keep going Annie! You are an inspiration to others.
God Bless! -- Janis (WW member/ 75lbs down/ WW receptionist
Annie I am so proud of you! Everyone has bumps in the road and I'm so glad you've realized and are no longer ashamed to admit that you've struggled and are moving forward to reaching your goals. It's hard to gain back that weight you worked so hard to lose...I gained back 25 of the 66 pounds I lost originally and am FINALLY at my lowest weight with losing all my gained weight and four more now :-D The biggest lesson I learned was that this is for the REST of my life. I can't ever eat what other people can because I look at cake and I gain two pounds :) I'm finally okay with that. I also learned to not be so hard on myself - for the first few months after I admitted to myself the weight I had gained back I kept beating myself up over it and thinking of how far I could have been if I would have stayed on track. But God has a plan, and that bump made me stronger, more motivated and more excited about the future and all I am doing to change my life. Keep moving forward and stay positive - you are amazing :) You are such a big inspiration to me and I'm so happy to see you back blogging so I can continue to feed off you for motivation :) SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
Great post Annie! I too got that way this summer and stopped blogging and that is when I started putting weight back on. Thank you for being so honest! It is so nice to hear I am not the only one with these struggles! Great job on losing 2 pounds this week! -Hope
Great job this week Annie.
I have THE hardest time in the winter. It's really hard for me to stay on track.
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