Friday, August 15, 2014

Weekly Weigh-in {August 15}

     I lost 3.2 pounds this week! This zig-zag of losses and gains each week continues. My WW leader knows that I'm frustrated with it, but she told me just to keep at it and we'll look at it more in a few more weeks. Whatever the reason is, I'm still losing at an average of 1.32 pounds per week, which exceeds the WW goal of 1.25 a week. So, I'll take it! A number is just a number, it's no reflection of who I am.

     More importantly, I'm moving more! I've been weight-training and walking with a neighbor friend of mine. It feels good to move! I treated myself to a cute new pair of walking shoes, too, so no more blisters, hopefully! :)

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