Last week my WW meeting had a substitute leader and she asked us all, "What If?". What if we tracked everything we ate? What if we got more activity in? What if we chose a healthy snack over a savory treat? What might happen? Well, she got me thinking and I started tracking again. What if I started tracking again....I might lose 5.2 pounds in a week! Hmm...what if I did that consistently for the next 11 weeks until my birthday or the next 13 until Christmas? I wouldn't expect 5 pound losses each week, but what if I lost a half pound each of those weeks? Would that make a difference? Yes of course it would! 1-2 pounds per week is a healthy rate. How would I feel 11 pounds, or....22.....lighter at my birthday?! What about 13 or 26 pounds lighter by Christmas?! WHOA! 13 pounds from where I am right now is exactly what I weighed when I got married. What if I could weigh that for Christmas? What a gift that would be to myself and my family! I'm not going to make that an official goal of mine, but I'm going to work towards doing it. I think it's a great question to ask of ourselves...what if. What if I got off of this computer and folded some laundry right now? I'd check something off of my list and my husband would be thankful to have clean, folded I'd be moving! What if I went for a walk after dinner tonight? What if I planned menus for each week and stuck to them? What if I went to the gym a few times a week? What if I tried a new fitness class? What if...?
What kinds of "what if" questions could you ask of yourself and what if you did something, just one small thing to make a difference in your weight-loss journey?