- Take a shower the night before. Your body absorbs water when you shower and you don't want to risk adding water weight the day you weigh-in.
- Shave your legs, arms, anything you can and feel comfortable doing...hair can weigh a lot!
- Make sure you use a loofa in the shower the night before, too. Dead skin can really add up.
- Take off all fingernail and/or toenail polish.
- No product in your hair to style it and skip the conditioner, too.
- Take off all jewelry!
- Wear contacts, not glasses. Glasses are heavy!
- Step on your home scale at least once every hour before you go so that you know exactly what to expect and maybe it will go down more! Plus you'll burn some more calories stepping on and off of it.
- Blow your nose really well.
- Make sure you don't eat anything within 12 hours of weighing in. Your body needs time to digest food and get it out so it won't weigh you down. This is why weighing first thing in the morning is best.
I hope you don't believe a single thing I just listed above!

Oh man I was starting to think you had lost your mind lol
You had me! I was thinking, "oh...that shower one is a good idea."
The most desperate thing I've ever done to get the scale to move was to get a really short haircut.
Great advice! You should wear light-weight clothes too.
HA! This totally cracked me up! LOL!
What a riot!
Visiting from Mrs. 4444's Sampling! Nice to meet you!
Excellent! That means I probably lost about a pound today--I finally shaved my legs! :)
Funny post!
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