Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I've Lost It!

Last year I walked the 5K and 10K in the Fargo Marathon and I think a bug bit me. I was hooked to doing events and winning medals! I haven't done any events since, but I love seeing my medals every day hanging at my desk and I love the feeling I had when I completed those races. I just walked them, and not even that fast, but the sense of accomplishment gave me such a high and I want to relive it!

I signed up to do the 5K and the 10K again in May in Fargo. I'm looking forward to them and hope to be able to run some this year. Then I really lost it... I signed up to do a HALF MARATHON in September!


I can't believe I did that! The self-doubter in me is telling me that there's no way I can do it, but the optimist in me knows that I can and will do it well. So today I re-started the Couch to 5K program to start jogging. It was cold outside and I didn't feel like going to the gym to get on a treadmill, so I walked and ran around my house, literally. I'm sure if anyone had seen this, they would have thought I truly lost it, but I was running laps around my living room, down the hall to my son's room, into the guest room, down to the kitchen and back through the living room. HA! I know that's weird, but it worked for me! I'm looking forward to spring to get outside to do the program as I have an irrational fear of running on a treadmill. In the mean time, I'll run around my house and work up my endurance and, come spring and the races in Fargo, I'll be running!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Serving False Gods

I just weighed in this morning at WW and lost two pounds!!! So glad to finally have a weight-loss on the scale. The last few months have been tough on me. To be honest, I wasn't tracking, working out, or really putting much forward at all as far as losing weight goes. I was embarrassed to list my gains on my sidebar on the left side of this blog and left a few months blank until today. Today I decided that I ought not to be ashamed, but to move forward and not look back. I've learned from my mistakes and I'm ready to really move forward and get to my goal weight. This isn't a New Year resolution. This isn't a short-term thing. I need to do this for the rest of my life to be healthy and happy and be the best woman I can be. I can no longer serve this false god of food. Only one GOD is for me and I love and worship Him and I will no longer allow myself to serve food more than I serve Him. I will not try to fill any voids in my life with food. I will no longer try to stuff down feelings with food. If I'm stressed out, I'll work out and pray along the way. Turning to food is a sin and I'm confessing now that I've used it in place of my God. No longer. I've said it before, I'm starting over. No quitting this time and with God's help, I'll reach my goal in 2012. I will be honest along the way, with myself, with Him, and with you, my blog readers, friends, and family. I will blog more to be accountable, so stay tuned! :)
