Friday, July 23, 2010

30 Day Shred ~ Day 3

The cartoon above is how I felt this morning. I was dressed for exercise early, but checked my email, made some phone calls and thought about it awhile longer before I actually started. I always feel great once I'm done, but sometimes getting started is the hardest part!

I visited with Jillian again this morning. I didn't mind the jumping jacks at all today. The butt kicks are another story, but I did them anyway. Day 3 was much, much better than day 1! I won't be doing the Shred every day, but since it is already getting easier for me I'm feeling good about it! I think I'll stick with level 1 through the weekend and then try level 2 on Monday so see how I can handle it. Wish me luck!



Amber D. said...

Can't wait what you have to say about level 2-- I couldn't do it!

Lisa said...

I like level 1 and 3 best. I don't really like level 2. You are doing great! Keep up the good work.

Kenlie said...

I love level 2, but I like the whole DVD. I usually feel like Rocky when I'm done. ;)

Keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the cartoon! Isn't that the truth!!!!


Pencil Skirt Bound said...

geeza! Just the word 'Shred' makes me scared.


CJ said...

All those push ups in level 2 make my shoulders hurt! I really love level 3 though! Best luck with it :)

Connie said...

The jumping jacks hurt my knees. I wish it didn't. Maybe if I just jump straight up and down....