Wednesday, July 21, 2010

30 Day Shred Review

Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred is no laughing matter. I'm certain that it will take me longer than thirty days to get through it, too. I've learned that I hate jumping jacks, but that I'll do them anyway if Jillian tells me to! I did love it, though! I love getting a good, hard, workout now and Jillian certainly provided one. I love the circuit training and switching the different parts of the workout around like that. She focuses on cardio, strength and abs.

If you haven't tried it, you should. The DVD only cost me $9+tax, so it doesn't break the bank and all you need along with it is some hand weights. I used my 2lb set today and it was enough for me.

I'll be joining Jillian again tomorrow morning as it is just too hot & humid outside for me to be walking right now with my asthma. My air conditioned family room will have to do until it starts to cool off out there!



TiffanyDSmith said...

Way to go! You are rockin' this lifestyle change and living like a fit person. I think I may have to give Jillian and the 30 day Shred another try. I tried it a few months ago and gave up because of the jumping jacks...just too much belly fat flopping around slapping on my thighs...ummm..not good!
Thanks for your courage to share your journey. You are an inspiration to me!

Amber D. said...

I didn't find the JJ bad, it was the push ups.... I absolutly have never been able to do a push up! That was what killed me with part 2 because there was like 4 different types of push ups

Unknown said...

Love the shred! I've got it also, but it's been in the closet for a few months cuz it totally kicks my trash....maybe it's time to pull it back out?!? Wahoo!!

Sunny said...

Jumping jacks are the devil! :)

Lisa said...

Keep up with the 30 day shred you will notice a difference especially in inches lost and how strong you will feel. I also own Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I can complete the No More Trouble Zones but I have not been able to get through the Banish Fat dvd--it is all cardio 45 minutes.

Kristen said...

I just found your blog and you are such an inspiration! My mother and I started WW 4 weeks ago (actually have to go to weigh in in a few). Congrats on your progress!

Connie said...

My 30 day shred lasted one day!

I"m going to pick it back up once we move.

TxMarianne said...

Good job! Im glad you liked it. I love the shred DVD! It's hard for me to say I don't have time to workout when I can do that in 20 minutes. :)