Friday, March 25, 2011

Fat Talk

Watch this video:

The Fat Talk Free week is past, but isn't that video so powerful? How often do you look at the number on the scale and instead of seeing the number, you see the word "FAT"? How often do you eat something and "feel fat" afterward. This blog, this new lifestyle of mine, isn't about a journey to being skinny, it is about health. I used to call myself fat quite a lot. I used to see myself as not much more than a fat girl. No more. No more of that "fat talk" in my life. I'm still not at a healthy weight, so am on this journey to get there, but in the mean time I'm happy with my body and the amazing things it does. I'm beautiful and, my dear readers, so are you. No matter what you weigh, how big your clothes are, or what you are a child of God and you're beautiful!



Lisa said...

Such a great post! Thank you. It is so much easier to FAT TALK sometimes. And it has to be about being healthy. If you start this journey to get to a size 2 or to weight 120 lbs... you'll more than likely fail. Because bodies come in all shapes and sizes. If the healthiest body may still be a 10. Love your body, love your self. Remember that eating right and moving will get you where you need to be... HEALTHY

Kimberly said...

I love this post!!! It's so important to love ourselves in the process, accepting where we're at...flaws and all. And learning to speak life giving words over ourselves and others. It's such an important part of this journey!!! Thanks for reminded me of this.

Sarah said...

Annie, I love this! You are EXACTLY right! God created us all in His image, and whether we find that image acceptable or not is not for our judgement. God loves us---the way we are. And we need to love ourselves unconditionally. It's up to his to treat His body well by being healthy, not by "looking better."

Have a great day!