"Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average … which means, you have met your New Year's resolution." – Jay Leno
Haha! I love that funny quote from Jay Leno. How true it is. There are so many overweight people in the USA that is now normal to be overweight. How sad for our country! I'm one of those overweight people, but at least I'm doing something about it. Yesterday I was out shopping and a young man, college age, said to a friend, "Look at her huge a$$!" I turned around to see who he was talking about and it was me. I was the only other person in the aisle. Ouch. My a$$ used to be a lot bigger! So I stood tall and said to him, "First of all, that was really rude. Secondly, you should have seen it before I lost 67 pounds! I'm working on it, so give me a break." He turned bright red, apologized and asked me how I was losing weight because he wanted to drop some pounds, too. *insert rolling eyes here* Amazing. So many people make their New Year resolutions to be to get healthier and/or lose weight. So many people break their resolutions, though! Not me. I make them, I keep them and follow through. I'm not average! ;) Here are my New Year Resolutions for 2011:
- Continue on my weight-loss journey. I would love to reach my goal weight, but I won't resolve to do so. I will resolve to keep plugging away at it!
- Continue growing in my faith and my relationship with Jesus. I will strive to read my Bible more to learn more about Him and hear His words.
- Take a picture every day. I think this will be fun!
- Organize my house! I've written out an organizing schedule on my new 2011 calendar, so as long as I stick with it, our house will be in a much better place a year from now!
Other goals for 2011 are to do a 5K race and a 10K, too, by the end of the year. Those are not things I will resolve to do, but hope to accomplish!
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." ~Oprah